Newbie, My 22 reg' Tekna + Manual

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Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:16 pm
Qashqai Model: Mk.3 Qashqai - J12 (2021+) New Model

Post by Bob809 »

Hi, New guy here. Used to be on the Toyota iQ forums some years ago. Found it very useful. We got our new (to us, had about 9,000 miles on it) J12, Manual 1.3, 158bhp, Qashqai in September '22. Traded in a J11 16 reg' Silver Tekna for the J12 Gun Metal Tekna +.
Before that we traded in our white 65 reg' Ford Fiesta 1.0 Zetec S, 3 door, which I made some minor visual modifications to (for a 1.2 Petrol J11 Tekna). Great little car the Fiesta, but there lay the issue for my wife and I. It was becoming difficult getting in and out of the car. We both have spinal health issues so bending down to get in wasn't the only problem, getting out was also a bind. So, we looked for something more suitable, trading it in for the J11. What a great difference it made to our lives.
Then after my mother passed away the opportunity arose for us to see about getting a J12 model, which I didn't think was going to be possible. Lucky for us there were two in our price range in the Shrewsbury dealership. It needed a few minor things doing and so we got it at the start of October. I'm not a technophobe but all the gadgets -which I love- took some getting used to. I like the HUD the best.
It will be going in to the dealer soon (I hope) for the steering wheel recall, due to the cruise control having issues.
Look forward to the possibilty I can help anyone, and getting help too. Currently looks like battery is completely dead, but accept it could be something else. A guy is going to check it tomorrow, and fingers crossed it's something he can fix there and then.

From 1.0 Fiesta Zetec S to Qashqai 1.2 Tekna.jpg

Old and New.jpg

Posts: 2387
Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:47 pm
Qashqai Model: Mk.2 Qashqai - J11 (2013–2017)

Post by andy2019 »

Welcome not a good start to a new car with a flat batt allready. Lets hope the dealer can sort that for you then 😉
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:16 pm
Qashqai Model: Mk.3 Qashqai - J12 (2021+) New Model

Post by Bob809 »

Hi andy2019, thanks for the welcome. Had the car since October 22 and no, it's not great is it. Aother development this morning, as in the battery was flat again, after it working fine from the first RAC visit. We had the RAC again this morning, and they were great getting out to us so quick. The woman I was talking to on the phone had just 'put out the call' when she said there was someone on the way already. It was started again and then I took it straight to the dealer. Having spoken to them and organised a courtesy car, I have a great dealer. They'll be doing their stuff for the next two days at least, and are hoping, as am I, that it will be done by then.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:16 pm
Qashqai Model: Mk.3 Qashqai - J12 (2021+) New Model

Post by Bob809 »

The module that was replaced, unsure if left or right.jpg

Update- The car has gone, sold. We bought a 73 reg Kia Niro 3 HEV. As we wanted to downsize before the troubles began with the Qashqai, and to go for an automatic car, which the Niro is. I didn't want to get rid of the car, but, I had zero trust in it. It was fixed, eventually after just over three months, the majority of that spent at the garage being tested etc. I still really liked the car, but as I say, it was not something I could live with, never knowing if it would start in the morning or whenever we wanted to use it. It is the first dud/lemon car I have had since the 80's.
In the end it was a module they replaced under the bonnet (see picture). It controls the power distributed between the 12v and hybrid batteries. Nissan technical told Greenhous Nissan to replace it. Funny thing is I thought they had already tried that earlier in the process. During the few weeks it took us to decide on a different car and sorting that out I was out early every morning to see if it would start. I didn't see that situation changing for some time, and it was causing a huge amount of stress, as did the whole sorry process.
I want to say again that Nissan Shrewsbury were very good, they looked after us with a courtesy car, an automatic 73 reg Qashqai, not sure which model now, but it was still a good one. I think, personally, that Nissan Technical held the people from Greenhous back from discovering what was wrong with it. Budget concious of course, like you would expect. I don't know enough about modern cars to say if an auto electrician would have helped find the issue quicker or not.
I'm not saying I would never buy another Nissan, but it will be an awful long time before I do. Maybe now I am a Kia customer for life? Good luck to everyone else solving their niggles, annoyances and downright howlers.

Smaller pic Qashqai and Niro.jpg

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