12v battery

Forum for the Nissan Qashqai e-Power
Jake Sully
Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:29 pm
Qashqai Model: Mk.3 Qashqai - J12 (2021+) New Model

Post by Jake Sully »

Charel wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:31 pm Hallo,
Toen we gisterenmorgen onze 6 maanden oude (nieuwe) Qashqai E-power wilden starten, lukte dit niet. De dag ervoor hadden we er ruim 2u onafgebroken mee gereden. De takeldienst kwam langs (via Nissan Assistance) en laadde onze batterij weer op. Een tip die de man meegaf: regelmatig lange afstanden mee rijden. Echter hadden we dit gedaan. 's Avonds, 12u later, hetzelfde probleem. Ook al hadden we alweer een lange rit ermee gedaan.
Zou een druppellader voor de batterij en een (faraday)zakje/kistje voor de keyless sleutel soelaas kunnen brengen? Hoeveel andere eigenaars hebben met deze nieuwe wagen (met ongeveer hetzelfde aantal maanden), we hebben niet eens 10.000km op de teller, hetzelfde probleem. En, raakt het opgelost bij de dealer?
Toch wel vreemd, in tijden dat we zo 'groen' mogelijk en zo weinig mogelijk met de auto zouden mogen rijden. Zelf rijden we dagelijks met onze fiets naar ons werk zodat de auto soms enkele dagen in de garage blijft staan. Buiten hoeft hij niet, tijdens de winter, te overnachten. Een auto moet gewoon zijn ding doen: rijden als we er zin in hebben. Lange of korte afstanden. Dit is wel onze eerste hybride wagen. Voordien altijd met benzine gereden en nooit problemen gehad. Help!
The Farady pouch/box increases life of the key's battery, doesn't affect the car's 12v battery much. If the car is locked then there should'nt be any drain to cause the 12v battery to fully drain from a full charge in 12 hours. Do you have any DashCam with Parking mode? If yes then recheck the Hard wire kit, it should have a voltage cutoff switch to avoid 12v battery drain. If you don't have a dashcam with parking mode then this 12v battery drain is not normal, take it to the dealer so they can find out if there is a parasitic drain, any dry connection or some short circuit that is causing the issue, btw there have been some users here who had bad 12v batteries in initial E-Power which were replaced by dealerships, but not lately.
73 QQ e-Power N-Connecta, Viofo 229 Pro

Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2023 4:55 am
Qashqai Model: Mk.3 Qashqai - J12 (2021+) New Model

Post by Dodo78 »

The QQ e-power offers Nissan connect, which is good but it means that the car is always connected to the internet, and there is e-call and energy-hungry electronics. The battery can't last more than a week without driving. You have to drive it or leave it System ON for 30 minutes; as there is no alternator, there is no point in driving, just keep the system ON. In case of prolonged parking, you have to use a trickle charger or disconnect the storage fuse.
X-trail e-power 2023
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2024 7:08 am
Qashqai Model: Mk.2 Qashqai - J11 (2013–2017)

Post by Cosmyc »

Dodo78 wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:52 pm hallo,
The QQ e-power offers Nissan connect, which is good but it means that the car is always connected to the internet, and there is e-call and energy-hungry electronics. The battery can't last more than a week without driving. You have to drive it or leave it System ON for 30 minutes; as there is no alternator, there is no point in driving, just keep the system ON. In case of prolonged parking, you have to use a trickle charger or disconnect the storage fuse.
That's not normal, the only thing that remains powered while parked is the telematics unit, intelligent key unit and BCM unit on low power mode, the car can be like this for weeks no problem.
Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2023 4:55 am
Qashqai Model: Mk.3 Qashqai - J12 (2021+) New Model

Post by Dodo78 »


This is not normal, I agree, there are missing parameters to stop these greedy functions.I use a cigarette lighter voltmeter to monitor it.
X-trail e-power 2023
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